
Body By Design Day #34

Saturday! I woke up in a really good mood.  Went to the gym with my hubby to do our last workout of Phase I.  I must confess I'm a little intimidated by Phase II.  It involves more exercises each day, less repetitions of each exercise, but more sets of them..... Yikes!
We are already feeling so strong and energetic and the book says that this is only the foundation for what's to come.  More fat loss, muscle definition and overall toning.  Very exciting, intimidating, but exciting!

We spent most of the day changing things around the house and it felt so good to see the furniture moved around, seeing things in a different light and changing perspective.  I also skyped with mom (she's in New York), so that also made the day :-)

Followed the program really well today except for some pineapple I just couldn't resist!

It was the perfect treat!


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