
Body By Design Day #9

Tuesday was another good day.  Went for my lunch time walk, again very invigorating.  I had a 6 oz salmon burger for lunch (recipe to come) and I even weighed it to make sure it was exactly what the book said.  It was HUGE! I ate it with some simple quinoa and a piece of avocado and was full for the rest of the day.  I couldn't eat my 3pm meal because I was still so full.  When I got home, I had my Vega shake and danced my butt off for 20 minutes keeping my heart rate consistent at my fat burning zone.  I felt great afterwards and cooked up a delicious tofu with string beans and mushrooms for thursday.  Our scale at home stopped working (probably from going on it so many times...and the fact that it was only $10) which is better because I won't know how much I weigh until next monday :-)


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