
Body By Design Day #57

On Monday we were back at the gym.  Last week on Phase II of Body By Design and after this, is Phase III which will last three weeks and we'll be finished! 12 weeks my friends!

Today  I also went for a walk at lunchtime and found this little surprise (try to ignore how many lines there are in my hand..I know it's weird):

Have I mentioned how much I love lady bugs? They are just so adorable!! So tiny and colorful.

I met a friend for dinner and had a very delicious salad. 

I've been craving salad lately and I chopped up a bunch of lettuce and spinach to have ready in the fridge.  Had another salad for lunch that I made with chickpeas, onions, tomatoes, some cranberries ( I love a little sweet in my salad) with a homemade tahini dressing.  It was very good and satisfying.

Thanks for visiting!


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