
Body By Design Day #55

On Saturday we went to the gym and did our last Saturday workout of Phase II.  I've mentioned how tough it is.  Just long and hard but I get to work on my legs a LOT and I love how strong they're becoming!

I've been struggling lately with what to eat for breakfast.  I understand how important it is and know that if I skip it (which I never do), I'll be tired and hungry all day.  So I always try to have something.  A smoothie, an egg with a slice of bread, some oatmeal...  I want to try to develop a breakfast menu so that I don't have to think about it while I'm trying to rush out the door in the mornings.  I'll be working on that soon.

Thanks for visiting and I promise to post some photos and more interesting happenings around here.  Than you for your patience!


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